Effective Educational Discipleship
1. We not only teach students, but we mentor and build them up to maturity. We help complete their formative training so that they go forth faithfully into their work, service, and calling.
2. We make every effort to help increase and supplement their faith with the qualities that lead to an effective and fruitful life in the Lord —these qualities are Moral Excellence, Knowledge, Self-control, Steadfastness, Godliness, Brotherly Kindness, and Love.
3. We work to develop in students an advanced Biblical aptitude which enables them to see the world clearly through the lens of God’s Word and to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ —this is what it means to have a Biblical worldview and to be raised in the instruction of the Lord.

Main Office Days & Hours​
8 am-3 pm
(509) 325-2252
Main Office Days & Hours
8 am-3 pm
(509) 325-2252
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